Easy Termite Bait Monitor User Manual

The Easy Termite Bait Monitor is a product that meets the Four Requirements of Termite Baiting to wipe out termite colonies completely and remove the threat of termite attack from that colony forever.  In combination with Easy Termite Bait plus water, there is no other product as effective.

This is Abbreviated version of User Manual, please contact us for complete detailed version with images prior to use

The Easy Termite Bait Monitor is placed or buried at 3 to 5m intervals around your property to identify and treat those subterranean termites with the potential to damage timber structures.

Once inside, the Easy Termite Bait Monitor offers a secure home where termites can protect themselves from their predators and the outside environment.

Using the User Manual, the Easy Termite Bait Monitor starts to protect your home on installation and continues to work year after year with minimal service.

Back in 2004, Lois Elizabeth Swoboda, in a published study, showed that it was possible to direct subterranean termites foraging behavior. Swoboda, created a “spot” of cooler temperature (5 degrees Celsius) and showed that subterranean termites will leave an area of optimum temperature and travel to a cooler area seeking a potential food source. She also pleaded with the Termite Treatment Industry to investigate and improve monitoring devices. We took her advice and began our journey to invent the perfect termite monitor.

Note: Due to the risk of damage to every home by termites, it is recommended that regular (annual or more often in high-risk properties) Termite Property Inspections to Australian Standard AS3660.2 be performed by a qualified and experienced Pest Technician, and recommendations from the associated report commissioned. Proactive self-inspection is not a substitute for an experienced eye but is a useful addition.

Easy Termite Bait Monitor Design
  1. Based on published scientific papers, Easy Termite Bait Monitor attracts local foraging termites from installation due to its thermal properties and polystyrene released gases.
  2. Design allows condition of timber to be ideal for attracting termites.
  3. Atmosphere, temperature and moisture controlled for ideal conditions. Termites can be found during inspection without overly disturbing termites.
  4. No more loss of termites during inspection by breaking the entry mud tubes (Not Twist Lid).
  5. No more abandonment from common ant attack as termites enter sealed unit via eating their way in.
  6. Specifically designed for the subterranean termites that have a preference for dry timber (those that eat our homes).
  7. Timber maintains ideal conditions for longer as away from moisture (up to a year)
  8. Lower maintenance time and cost.
  9. Using this User Manual and Easy Termite Bait User Manual, baiting occurs via sterile, sealed, chamber (use less bait and quicker time till colony destruction).
  1. The Easy Termite Bait Monitor is sent to you completely assembled, ready to install.
  2. Easy Termite Bait Monitor are either (a) buried with the top of the lid just below surface (especially in turf when need to mow over top or need to install under paver), or (b) we would recommend installing with lid above surface which keeps lid timber in best condition and makes inspection easier.
  3. We recommend that Easy Termite Bait Monitor are placed at intervals between 3 and 5 meters AND are concentrated in areas where termites are most likely to be found foraging (in heavy wooded and damp areas).
  4. Easy Termite Bait Monitor are inspected at 3-month intervals until termites are detected. Once detected, baiting with Easy Termite Bait (with water added) is added.

Items needed: small hand shovel/trowel, bucket of water, pen and paper for map and inspection log.

  1. Easy Termite Bait Monitor should be placed minimum of 100 cm from the structure to avoid potential exposure to pre-existing insecticide treatments and not under eaves or where sheltered from rain. Easy Termite Bait Monitor should be placed no closer than 3 meters apart
  2. Easy Termite Bait Monitor can be installed in any garden area where at least 20 cm of soil exists, with preference for gardens that are heavily wooded, shaded, mulched or moist. In other words, anywhere that a large concentration of tree roots exists. Grass areas are not the ideal environment, although, if necessary, the Easy Termite Bait Monitor can be installed a little below ground level to allow grass mowing.

Clay soils: If installing in clay soils a slightly deepened hole will allow for water drainage and then extra depth is ideally filled with coarse gravel or similar.

Moist Cool Spots: Traditional preference for placing evenly spaced in straight line around the perimeter of your home has no scientific basis. It is much better to place in random Moist Cool Spots. Termites do track under cement slabs but do not spend time foraging for food. There is no scientific reason to core drill slabs or remove sections of pavers unless all more appropriate areas have been covered.

STEP 2: INSTALL either a) or b), (or combination)
  1. a) Easy Termite Bait Monitor Install when need to mow over the top or need to install under paver. Dig hole 20cm deep by 10cm wide. Easy Termite Bait Monitor is placed in the hole and then soil is added or removed until desired depth is achieved. Back fill hole and firm soil well around Easy Termite Bait Monitor. It is important that Easy Termite Bait Monitor is firmly in ground. Pour approximately 2L of water over whole unit as this will help with the securing of unit. b) OUR PREFERENCE FOR INSTALL OF Easy Termite Bait Monitor. Dig hole 15cm deep by 10cm wide. The Easy Termite Bait Monitor is placed in the hole and then back fill hole and firm soil well around Easy Termite Bait Monitor. It is important that Easy Termite Bait Monitor is firmly in ground. Pour approximately 2L of water over whole unit as this will help with the securing of unit.
  2. Record on house plan for future reference.
  3. Repeat for each additional Easy Termite Bait Monitor until installation is complete.

Inspection of Easy Termite Bait Monitor occur every 3 months (more frequently is not necessary). The first inspection can be 2 weeks after installation but then revert to 3 monthly inspections as overly disturbing will deter termites from getting established within the Easy Termite Bait Monitor.

  1. Holding Base firmly, remove lid, avoiding movement of base as much as possible. Always carry Easy Termite Bait Pod and 200ml clean/ unchlorinated water to allow immediate baiting if required. Simply lift lid and observe either termites or termite mud (or nothing). When active termites are found, baiting with Easy Termite Bait plus water should commence (see Easy Termite Bait User Manual).
  2. NOTE: if lid timber is moist or shows signs of deterioration or has any mold growth (and every 12 months), then replace. Remove screw and prise with screwdriver and replace with new timber.
  3. If no active termites or mudding, the inspection lid is returned.
  4. Every 12 months (or after termite attack and colony elimination) the base timber and lid timber is replaced with new timbers and Easy Termite Bait Monitor moved at least 30cm to a new location.

Termite Feeding can take up to 12 months and 12 sachets of Easy Termite Bait, with average of 4 months and 8 sachets of Easy Termite Bait (depends on species, age of colony and distance of colony nest from Extender Pod). 


Using Easy Termite Bait Monitor User Manual, replace both Timbers at the conclusion of colony elimination and return to new location.

Whether you have been treating termites for years or have never seen a termite before, we have a termite treatment solution for you.

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